Today we’d like to introduce you to Danielle J. Martin.
Hi Danielle, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
When I was growing up, I often found myself mesmerized by the one-of-a-kind talent of trailblazing Good Morning America journalist Robin Roberts. My lifelong passion for people has since translated into an award-winning career in TV. This platform empowers me to follow in Roberts’ footsteps by telling stories with passion, vulnerability, facts, and heart. Before we get into the details, first know this – I am a Child of God living to serve my purpose that gives God all the Glory. I am a Houston native who is the youngest of six siblings — I have three older brothers and two older sisters. Yes, “I am the golden child,” but in case you don’t know – being the youngest comes with perks and a few expectations.
My journey to becoming a journalist started at Seven Lakes High School by being the on-air talent for our school announcements. As a Sam Houston State University graduate, I finished school with degrees in mass communication and communication studies and a Masters’s degree in sports management. As I was waiting for “my time to come to debut in various living rooms” as a TV Reporter – I produced programs I was not hosting and aided monitoring duties for a nearly two-year stint with FOX Sports. I also spent time at Eyeconic TV (KVVV) in Houston, hosting red-carpet and community events.
In 2019, my journey to becoming a journalist landed me in Topeka, KS, to serve as a multi-media journalist and Weekend Evening Anchor at WIBW-TV for about 3 years, where I earned an award of excellence from the Kansas Association of Broadcasters for my work on a diversity, equity, and inclusion news story. I was chosen as a YWCA Women of Excellence honoree during this time.
Now this is where it gets interesting. Remember, I mentioned I desired to become a TV Journalist. The dream is still the same, but the journey took a turn. My passion for people and storytelling led me to where I am now. It was God that led me to Topeka. Interestingly, I just found out why at first – when I had an opportunity to participate in an upcoming project to help serve people worldwide. I currently serve as a TV Host/Producer for a financial marketing company, Advisor’s Excel – where we help financial advisors become great business owners. While hosting TV and radio shows/commercials are part of my role, I also play an integral behind-the-scenes inside the new AE Media Studios.
While I serve as a TV Host nationwide, I also host my podcast, Behind the Spotlight – where I engage in personal and empowering conversations with individuals from all walks of life to inspire you to become the better version of yourself. My passion for people doesn’t stop at the mic; it continues in the Topeka community serving with Omni Circle Group (OCG) – a Topeka-based nonprofit organization providing personal and professional development of members dedicated to creating a diverse community that achieves success while building environmental sustainability. I would also describe myself as a “fitness fanatic” — I serve as the health program director of OCG, where I host a weekly boot camp. As many are wondering how I can manage it all – well, that’s the beauty of it; I know it’s all leading to where God wants me to be. I know my story is just starting, so keep reading!
I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
I’m laughing as I read this question because what is life without obstacles? Better yet – what is an experience without education? Once you’ve experienced an obstacle, there has to be something you’ve learned from it, right? Well, when it comes to my journey – the road to getting to where I am came with multiple detours. When I moved to Topeka, KS – I planned never to stay here. Topeka was a pit stop for me. I had two years in mind, and then I was out. But, as they say, when you make plans – God laughs! It was Year 27 – when my life was going through turmoil. I didn’t know who I was or wanted to be. Everything was affecting me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I felt so alone in a space where I had no family. I felt so disconnected from the world. I was mad that my plans were not turning into my dreams because “I had it all laid out.” I wanted to climb the news market and return to a bigger city. I was unhappy with my environment and could not see what Topeka had for me at the time. Then, there was the journey of telling my parents I was changing my whole career – shifting from the news industry to financial planning. I mentioned before that being the youngest comes with expectations. My parents mean well; they’ve always wanted the best for me and still do. They’ve worked hard to provide for me and want to ensure I’m making the right decisions. Like any parent should. The downfall of carrying your parents’ expectations is that it comes with control and fear. There were times I felt that I couldn’t speak up for myself. I felt voiceless. Let’s say the conversation you don’t want to have is what you need to have. Finding the strength to speak and stand on the word God gave me helped develop me, and now my parents and I are closer than ever. Over time, I learned that God was putting me through the season of Obscurity – a place he wanted me to be still, grow, change, and honestly know Him. During the season of Obscurity, I learned that is where development takes place. I was reminded of his word – Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper, not harm you, and to give you hope and a future.” I was being developed in a way I didn’t know I needed. I was fed with like-minded people, community, and resources that helped me become who I am today. I was given numerous books that I lean on to this day. (Here are some if you need them: 12 Pillars, The Motivation Manifesto, Feeding The Soul, & The 8th Habit.) My partner, Michael Odupitan, always tells me that “education plus experience equals wisdom.” The season of Obscurity came with opportunities, wisdom, and a new mindset. In all, I encourage anyone to let go of their plans, let go of their control, and trust that it will work out in the end, but you must let go entirely!
Thanks for sharing that. So, you could tell us a bit more about your work.
I specialize in creating and building a community of women to live their best lives, focusing on their mental and physical needs. As the Health Program Director of Omni Circle Group, we offer a free, community high-intense interval training class to the Topeka community. Within two years, we’ve served over 2,000 people and helped numerous people start their health journey and achieve their fitness goals. Since I’ve served as the health director, we created a Family Fun Day – where we partner with health organizations and businesses and offer fitness classes such as Zumba, Yoga, boot camps for adults and kids, and active activities for kids to enjoy. We created this annual event to create a healthier Topeka as a community.
As I’ve been coaching women with their health needs over the last couple of years, I’ve noticed the gap in their mental needs being met. As my talent fell aligned with TV hosting, I started to focus on having more intimate conversations with women that focused on their life journey in Faith, Business, and Lifestyle. While I serve as a TV Host nationwide, I also host my podcast, Behind the Spotlight – where I engage in personal and empowering conversations with individuals from all walks of life to inspire you toward becoming the better version of yourself. Each of my podcast episodes is meant to challenge your mindset, expand your awareness, and encourage you to take action toward your purpose. Of the many things I’m involved in, I am most proud of trusting God during the process. I didn’t realize that the things I was creating would align. Sometimes, I look at my story and say, “God, this doesn’t make sense.” The irony is God doesn’t always make sense – “Faith without works is Dead,” which means true faith in Christ always produces good works. I will not lie and say it was easy because most of the time, I am leaning on him to help me make my paths straight, yet he always does.
One of the many things that set me apart is once I set my mind to something, I am determined to accomplish it. When you realize your most powerful gift is your mind and know how to use it, you will always be set apart from the rest. Lastly, it’s easy to do the work with the love and support of my friends, family, and amazing partner, Michael – it’s because of them that I can live out my purpose fully!
What are your plans for the future?
The Future is looking like Legacy! I am in the season of creating something that will last a lifetime. As I’m currently serving as a Health Coach and TV Host – it’s all leading to improving a community of women physically, personally, and professionally. I’m looking forward to opening a safe space for women to workout comfortably, focus on improving their health, and helping them achieve their fitness goals. I’m dedicated to helping women feel confident in their skin because it’s part of what makes us whole. While I’m coaching women to improve their overall health goals, I look forward to educating and empowering women to live to their fullest potential. My podcast has led to the creation of hosting in-person events for women to connect, learn, and grow. I look forward to creating this year’s event, “Rise and Thrive: Overcoming to Becoming.” It’s an evening for women to connect personally, learn from each other’s experiences, and grow purposefully. There will be panel discussions, special performances, and more; this is only the 2nd annual event! I can’t imagine where it will go in the next few years! Let’s say it’s another excuse for women to get dressed to the ‘ten,’ laugh, and love one another. I’m excited! This platform that I am creating is more extensive than mine. It’s all to give God Glory. When people see my platform, they see me, but it’s not me – I’m God’s ambassador doing the work on his behalf.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.daniellejmartin.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/daniellejmartintv/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/daniellejmartintv
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/danielle-j-martin-m-s-30492380
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZCchzFoPmcDJKv3WBqWatw
- Other: https://open.spotify.com/show/5epOVwzJs5ikVuIqzxY0L3
Image Credits
My personal photo Credit: Carter Gaskins of Gaskins Photography Collection, The professional studio photos credit: Advisor’s Excel