Today we’d like to introduce you to Allen Little.
Hi Allen, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My story started in a cornfield in Iowa. I sat in that cornfield and I asked, “God if you’re real, I need proof.” I was at a place in my life where I was unfulfilled and felt like my life wasn’t going anywhere. The worse thing about my job at the time was that they paid me just enough money. Just enough to settle on my dream.
When I sat in that cornfield and asked for proof that there was something more out there, I didn’t see Mufasa in the sky like I was expecting.
However, my uncle did call me from Seattle to tell me that he had a vision about me. He said that his vision was that our creator was glad that I’ve reunited with him. That was enough for me to believe something was possible. After synchronicities and seeing 11:11 everywhere, I asked if it was possible for me to become a motivational speaker. If I could do that, then I would definitely know there’s something out there because back then, it felt impossible for me to do that.
I went on Twitter and started posting positive tweets. A woman reached out to me and asked me to meet her at her office because of how inspirational I was. I went there, shared some words with her and she was moved. She then said to me, “Sir, you don’t know who I am but I’m one of the lead presidential campaigners for Dr. Ben Carson.” I was stunned, my first thought was about how I didn’t want to be in a political debate, second I thought about how he’s pretty much a celebrity. She then went on to ask me if I wanted to meet him in person.
I said yes because I know that he was also spiritual and maybe could give me answers. When I met him I asked, “Hey is this God stuff real? What’s up with this spiritual side of things? I’m not religious really but is there something out there?”
Ben smiled, looked at me and said… “You’ve found the secret to success.”
That’s all he said to me. I went home extremely curious and a little relieved. I felt like I was on to something. A few days later, I called the woman to thank her. She responded, “Allen! I was just about to call you. The Iowa caucus is tonight and we need a speaker to represent Ben Carson, can you make it?”
I couldn’t believe it. I hesitated and then said yes, I’ll be there. She then went on to say, “Ok, you’re on in an hour and a half. Please get here now.”
I showed up there and she forgot to tell me two things. First, there had to be almost 700 people there. Second, my opponent was Donald Trump himself. My very first public speaking engagement was against Donald Trump before he became president. If you YouTube Allen Little speaks against Donald Trump, I think it’s still there.
He spoke about make America great again, I spoke about making America love again. I got an unanimous applause.
Everything I do was built upon that.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
The biggest struggle was believing it could actually be me. Believing that I can make a planetary impact. I’m just a guy who used to sit behind the kid with glasses to copy his test during Algebra. I use to watch Dragon Ball Z and Family Guy before going to bed at night.
Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I am a TEDx Speaker and Sales Accelerator.
Too many business owners have a cross finger marketing and sales strategy. That’s where they execute different marketing/sales plans, and then cross their fingers hoping that it works.
This creates month after month of anxiety in whether or not their business is going to grow financially. Their income growth isn’t consistent the way they want it to be and they don’t know how to crack the code.
Being dependent on referrals is not the way to grow at the pace we want. If we want to accelerate our monthly income, we need to invest in our public speaking ability.
With our Lion Speakers Academy, we teach business owners how to add an additional $5K – $12K+ to their monthly income consistently by leveraging public speaking. We teach business owners how to use public speaking to skyrocket their sales immediately.
Every business owner started their business with a mission and powerful why. We can even help business owners land a TEDx Talk and share their story on a TEDx Stage. The top speaking platform in the world with over 60M subscribers.
With a few tweaks in their public speaking, we can help business owners excel their income goals so they can circulate their new found wealth to their families and loved ones.
No more being on the fence when someone suggests that we travel. Hawaii, Bora Bora, Bali, Costa Rica, business owners will now have the income and time freedom to travel with their loved ones whenever they want.
For more information, Contact me or visit our website below. We have regular Public Speaking Masterclasses that are always free to attend live or virtually.
Secondly, we have an Advanced Life Coaching Certification Program. Helping business owners acquire mastery level Life Coaching skills so they can handle their team and clients with professional coaching skills. Even for those that already are a life coach, this is life coaching skills to grow your business rapidly.
Risk taking is a topic that people have widely differing views on – we’d love to hear your thoughts.
Fear stands for Face Everything And Rise. A woman known as The Infamous Poet taught me that.
I believe in taking risks. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. You can be wrong a million times in life but you only gotta be right once to make it.
I took a risk in living out of my car for three months to build my business. This was the fall/winter time in Chicago. It was cold sleeping out of that car. However, the dream kept me warm at night.
Contact Info:
- Email: Allen@ReThinkingBig.com
- Website: www.ReThinkBig.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allenjbig/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheLionTeamOfficial/
- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/allenjbig
- Youtube: https://youtu.be/NHQ4yGYbYMI
One of the most inspiring men in Kansas City
August 31, 2021 at 10:50 pm
Amazing! I love your story. Allan is a mover and shaker! Excited to work with him!!