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Hidden Gems: Meet Kathryn Galvin of Kathryn Ann Intuitve

Today we’d like to introduce you to Kathryn Galvin.

Hi Kathryn, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for sharing your story with us – to start, maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers.
In March 2019, I walked into a small real estate networking event. I was there to support a friend of mine. I was excited to go because I knew there would be a psychic there, and I had always been mildly obsessed with all things tarot, psychic, mediumship, witchy vibes, anything like that – though I truly knew nothing about any of it at the time. One look at me, and the psychic asked me if I would be sitting with her for a reading that day. I watched her through a glassed-in conference room as she stood before each person, helping them make sense of their lives. I whispered to the person next to me that the psychic had better sit when she read me because standing over me would give me too much anxiety. I walked into the room and sat down as she explained her process to me, and abruptly stopped mid-explanation telling me she felt like she should sit for this reading. My mind was open. She explained to me all of the interesting ways that I’ve perceived others throughout my life – how I would hear one thing come out of someone’s mouth but feel in my body that they weren’t sharing the truth with me, though I couldn’t prove it. She recounted a phone call with my mother that morning and told me how I’d felt. Though my husband couldn’t detect the same, she was trying to hide her frustration with me at the time. She told me that I was inviting myself to conversations people didn’t intend to have with me and that she could teach me to harness that – and that I should be doing what she was doing. And so the training began.

After studying under her for a bit, I began offering short psychic readings helping others connect to their past, present, and future and connecting to their deceased loved ones – as a medium. I began to realize through my readings that so many of us were searching for answers to questions that were truly within ourselves as long as we could learn to trust ourselves and our instincts and see our true worth – to love ourselves. I started to teach others how to connect to their intuition, which helped confirm what I suspected, that we don’t trust ourselves. We’ve been taught to think and grow with logic, but our intuition, which is crucial to survival and growth, was turned practically to “mute.” I wanted to help others change that. If we could hear our voice above the voice of all others, we could begin to heal and grow as individuals in our friendships and relationships. With each of us improving how we view ourselves, we can change an entire worldview through the powerful force of the ripple effect. I began to coach others through this in groups that I called “Showing Up for Your Self Worth” and through private mentorship experiences. At this time, I’ve coached over 100 women to learn to stand in their worth and power, to lead from their heart, and trust that they’re making all of the right moves for themselves regardless of what direction it’s taking them in.

My lack of faith in myself was abolished by helping others find their own faith. Every client who sits with me in pain because of their childhood, current relationship, loneliness, or self-doubt, I help to find a way through to peace and joy. As a mother of three boys under ten, I’m telling you peace can be hard to come by when you refuse to acknowledge that it comes from within and thus create your own.

I now run a podcast in its infancy, a transition in progress. I recently ended my journey as a true crime podcaster with the show, “Murder & Mediumship” and am slowly moving content over to the new platform and podcast, “Engaging Intuition,” where I create space for others to share their victories as well as their struggles in finding peace and clarity in their own lives by giving into the intuitive nature that we all have within us – raising the voices of those who have otherwise been afraid to take up space. This is my calling, passion, and endless journey to lead others to heal through my healing journey.

We all face challenges, but looking back, would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
What has challenged me has been learning to create and maintain my boundaries with myself and others. As many of you can likely relate, learning that it’s ok to say “no,” just because you don’t have the time or space for something can be difficult. Creating a work-life balance with an active-duty military spouse and three young boys can be tough. Still, it’s also teaching our young generations the importance of valuing your time and energy rather than over-exerting yourself in pursuit of “success,” as many of us were taught. At 21 years old, I was married to an emotionally abusive and, at times, physically abusive alcoholic. When I walked away from that marriage and survived, I knew that I would be healing from those short years of being together for a lifetime, and that certainly shows up in my work, at least in how clients are drawn to me. We are all drawn to one another for particular reasons in our healing journeys. Time is an obstacle, but it only is if you let it become one. We will always find and make time for the things that we prioritize.

Let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
I offer services as a psychic medium for 30, 45, and 60-minute readings over Zoom or the phone, as well as group and private mentorship where we set goals and work toward finding our voice, our worth, and our purpose so that you may feel more fulfilled and whole as a person.

Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
When we seek healing or clarity, both really, finding a way to heal alone can be terrifying. As an intuitive person, a psychic, and a medium, as well as a trauma recovery coach, we can implement so many modalities, whether they be more standard therapeutic practices or more heavily energy-related ones, to assist us on our path to recovering and establishing the life of our wildest dreams – which looks incredibly different for every one of us on this planet.


  • 111 for 30 min reading
  • 148 for 45 min reading
  • 178 for 60 min reading
  • 1000 per month private mentorship
  • 750 per month group mentorship

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Brooke Pierce

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