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Hidden Gems: Meet Christina Mountain and Devin Nelson of Pub Bench Sports

Today we’d like to introduce you to Christina Mountain and Devin Nelson.

Hi Christina and Devin, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
My fiancé and I started Pub Bench Sports to share our love for sports and community with our family and friends. It began as a small idea and quickly grew to an e-commerce storefront offering authenticated memorabilia (from our collections) and uniquely designed apparel.

Would it be a smooth road, and if not, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Not! We are constantly learning every day. The way social media has evolved over the last decade means we have much more to learn about marketing, media, and engaging with our customers. We are balancing raising a family, working full-time jobs outside of Pub Bench, and trying to learn the ins and outs of business ownership. There often aren’t enough hours in our day to accomplish everything we need to, and we often fall short in one or more aspects of our lives.

Great, let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
We are an online storefront specializing in authenticated sports memorabilia and uniquely designed merchandise. We are a small family-owned & operated business based out of Mission, KS. We love Kansas City, and everyone should have the opportunity to experience some midwestern hospitality and quality. We desire to open up a true storefront, with expansion into the restaurant industry shortly. We are most proud of building this truly from scratch, completely by ourselves. We taught ourselves web design, social media marketing, merchandising, budgeting, and auctioneering. We hope you see our passion for our community and our love of sports shown through our brand.

Have you learned any interesting or important lessons due to the Covid-19 Crisis?
How important human interconnectivity is. For so long, we have been isolated, and still not quite returned to normal. The expansion of hybrid or work-from-home opportunities has completely changed the opportunities for working families. We want to ensure that as we grow in our professional careers, we pour as much time into our families as possible.

Contact Info:

  • Website:
  • Instagram: @PubBenchSports
  • Facebook: @PubBenchSports
  • Twitter: @PubBenchSports

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