Today we’d like to introduce you to Shelbi Drake.
Hi Shelbi, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstories with our readers?
When I was growing up, I would always look for self-worth in others instead of looking at the source aka within myself. I was raised in a family where my father showed love for material things and my mother was always switching diet plans to drop weight. As a young girl, this started to develop my mindset on what self-worth looked like -what I interpreted what I needed to be as a woman. From this interpretation I thought men would love me or want me if I looked a certain way or had certain things, suppressing my worth deeper and deeper. This drove me into having an eating disorder when I was in my early teens Struggling to become the perfect image. With my unhealthy relationship with food, I was in and out of toxic relationships, trying to find my worth in someone else, wanting to feel loved but once again I wasn’t looking at myself. When I was 23, I decided while in a relationship, I would embark on the journey of Bodybuilding. This Mindset and “sport” let my eating disorder thrive. My self-worth depleted, my Self-love suffered, and I had no soul, even though I was chasing this image of being worthy.
When I was 26, I dove into a marriage where I was treated as a 1950’s housewife, gaslight, and manipulated. My marriage didn’t even last a year, ending with Domestic Abuse. The moment I hit the tile floor I knew my Self-worth was way more than this. After the assault I filed for divorce, picked up my whole life with my two pups, and moved into a tiny she shed to restart my life. To find Shelbi again.
This wasn’t easy. As most humans, we tend to numb ourselves to ignore the pain of our internal being. After my divorce party, I woke up and needed to change. I hired my first Mentor, invested in myself to become a Self-Worth Coach, to help women find their inner goddess. Also, I am an intuitive eating/movement mentor and a Visualization Sound healer. I created my Business Direction by Drake, built my program, and launched my sound healing within a year of my assault. I did the internal work. I dug through my shadows to find my light, to embrace my self-love, and now know how worthy I am. I strive to bring this light to others, to help other women who struggle day after day looking for their worthiness. All we need to do is look inside us.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle-free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
Absolutely not. Doing the internal work is Tough work and it’s not pretty. You must be completely real with yourself. Embrace the Shadows with the light. I don’t have enough fingers to count how many times I broke down, how many times I made childhood trauma connections that limited me within my adult life. How I took on my parent’s beliefs instead of creating my own belief systems. I recreated myself, I learned to love my soul, not my ego.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Within my Business Direction by Drake, I have built a program to help others dive deeper from within to bring out their inner goddess. To find their true self. Forward flow is a 3 Phases program spread into a 12-week self-discovery journey. Awareness, Intention & Action. We do the internal work; we dig through the muck and allow your true self to shine through. Also, I Hold space for others to relax the Mind, Body & Soul through the power of sound. I fell in love with Sound bowls through my own journey of self-discovery. I became a Sound healer to allow others to drop their walls, to let down their guards, and allow time to become still. Looking back at myself a year ago, I was so lost I thought that this was the life society told me to live. Get married, have kids, work a corporate job -This life was not meant for me. I’m proud of myself for going for gold, chasing my dream every day, and continue to grow. I continue to stand up for men/women who are involved in domestic abuse, I stand for how important self-worth is. What I believe that Sets me apart from others is that I’ve done the deep internal dive into my shadows, I’ve felt the pain & struggle, I still go through it. I’m not afraid to show it. I’m authentically me. I am an Open book.
Do you have any advice for those looking to network or find a mentor?
In all honesty, not every mentor will be everyone’s cup of tea. I’m honest with my potential clients because I want what’s best for them. If I have a discovery call with someone and we/I don’t believe it’s a perfect match I will always recommend someone else to them. I want Others to thrive, to excel beyond their limits. Take the risk, invest in yourself, reach out to a mentor to get a feel of how they are, how they talk, how do they show up for themselves, and lastly follow your intuition, that gut feeling. This is what helps me a lot with clients, relationships, friendships. Speak up, speak your truth about how you feel, no matter what be authentic.
- Sound Bath Session one on one 35 min – 45$
- Sound Bath one on one Session 45 min – 55$
- Forward Flow Discovery Call – Free
Contact Info:
- Email:
- Website:
- Instagram: @ShelbiDrake
Image Credits:
Devin Reed
H + A Creatives