Today we’d like to introduce you to Lava Dreams.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I started writing songs as young as I can remember – just lyrics and melodies at first. But songwriting is something I’ve consistently been in love with my entire life. It makes me feel fulfilled, and it’s a meditative practice for me because I’m usually writing vulnerably about my own experience. I rarely sit down with the intention to write anymore… the songs just flow out of me now in moments of inspiration – usually when I’m in a state of relaxation.
When I first picked up the guitar around middle school, I started using it to accompany myself and I began performing shortly after. Collaborators came and went and will continue to – but music has always stayed with me and always will. I decided to choose a name for myself as a solo artist in 2017. My name does a good job of reflecting the duality present in both my music and my overall energy: fiery, yet soft – and with balance.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
In my early moments of being Lava, I lacked confidence and belief in myself. Even though I’ve always known music as my deepest love, I was lacking a deep love and acceptance of myself – and so my art reflected my state of anxiety. This manifested in me trying to do everything myself. I would avoid a lot of my other needs but spend countless hours working to produce my own tracks and rushing to meet deadlines I only created for myself.
I’m grateful to say that after a lot of tough & shadowy inner-work, I now see myself as I truly am – a musician, an artist, a performer… perfectly imperfect, and wholly deserving of investment. I have amazing supporters now and some pretty baller mentors too. My producer Duncan Burnett is one of my dream team. Together we created all the tracks I currently have out and we have plenty more cooking for 2022.
Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I write all my own music and I sing and play electric guitar. So my sound is mostly guitar-based, but always with a dance-worthy beat, a groovy bass line, and usually some synth keys. I’m known for incorporating soundscapes into my music as well: taking sounds that aren’t necessarily inherently musical and using them to create atmosphere and a sense of space within the song. I like to think my voice offers an airy, dreamy layer to compliment some of the more electric and distorted sounds of the drums and guitar. I’m growing a lot as a guitar player and I’m starting to solo more too, which is really exciting. It’s offering me an additional voice, so-to-speak.
One thing that sets me apart is the fact that I’m an artist in other mediums too – video for instance. Being a filmmaker, I always have a strong vision for the aesthetic side of my music, and I’m blessed to have the opportunity to create in that capacity. I’ve been directing and editing my own music visuals for the past year or so, and I’m gearing up to release my second full-length music video. The cool thing about owning myself as an artist is that I feel I’m limitless to explore all kinds of different methods and means of creation.
Where we are in life is often partly because of others. Who/what else deserves credit for how your story turned out?
I already mentioned Duncan Burnett as one of my dream team – I like to say the universe knew I needed him at the time we met. I couldn’t have asked for a better musical partner. I also have some true friends who ceaselessly encourage me and support me with their love and their talent. Morgan “MJ” Jones (an incomparable photographer and artist) is one of note – thank you boo! And Stellar Image Studios, the video production company I work for here locally has continued to hype me up and gift me opportunities to perform and create. I am eternally grateful for all of my people- family, friends, supporters, listeners… without them, I wouldn’t be me.
Contact Info:
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Image Credits:
Morgan Jones