Today we’d like to introduce you to Katelyn Flowers.
Hi Katelyn, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Well, as you know, my name is Katelyn, but I go by Kat. I’m a 20 something year old introverted extrovert who loves looking good, smelling good and feeling good. I love traveling, trying new things, quality time with my loved ones, dog videos and helping others. My current passion and focus is on my Healthy Hair Consulting services.
I became a Healthy Hair Consultant through the trial and error of falling in love with my natural hair.
Being someone who submitted to the sleek, straight European Standards of hair beauty, I suffered from extreme heat damage. In 2012, I decided to give my curls a chance to shine. Disappointingly enough, my curls were more like limp waves. It took years of research and trial and error for me to figure out what my hair actually liked.
As a Chemical Engineer by trade, understanding the science behind things and researching is kinda my jam. So by experimenting with myself, I was able to revive my curls without having to do the “Big Chop”. As my curls got healthier, I received requests from several people to start a YouTube channel giving natural hair tips. In 2017, I started my YouTube channel, Kat’s Kurls.
That’s when the personalized requests started rolling in. The general tips I give on my social media pages help give an over-arching understanding of how to care for your hair, but rescuing hair is really a case-by-case scenario. In 2019, I officially began offering my personalized hair care help and hosting events teaching women of all ages how to care for their hair. I help women who struggle with understanding their hair and feel that no matter what they do, it never works.
My ultimate goal as a Healthy Hair Consultant is to give women the opportunity to get the confidence in their hair back because I know from personal experience how hard of a journey it is. Women should have the CHOICE to feel completely confident whether they are wearing their own healthy hair or switching it up with wigs or weaves.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Absolutely not! As I mentioned, I am a Chemical Engineer by trade so a lot of my time during the week is dedicated to that job. Breaking out and trying to be successful as a social media influencer takes an enormous amount of time and effort.
Starting out, influencers usually do it all in regards to planning content, filming the content, editing the content, and then posting the content and you have to do it consistently to gain any sort of traction to gain a following. Speaking for myself, I was not adept at videography, video editing, or even content planning when I started out.
So the start-up time with researching how to do it all was daunting itself. Now add the imposter syndrome on top of that and a long nap sounds much better than attempting to take on any of that. Okay so now you’ve started, you have a good flow going, and then BOOM your workload at your day job ramps up, and hello Ms. Rona.
Oh and let’s not forget to mention, you’re not famous yet! Major mental letdown as you’re trying to keep everything afloat and forcing yourself to post consistently. So now, you’re posting here and there, feeling like you’re abandoning your tribe and then feeling guilty about it.
So now you ramp up your posting and then BOOM one of the videos you didn’t even feel like was worthy enough to post goes viral and your following multiplies by 30x. The moral of the story, it isn’t easy and you’ll have to be your own hypeman a lot of the time but in the end, it’ll be worth it.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I consider myself a “Jackie” of All Trades. As I’ve mentioned already, I’m a Chemical Engineer and a Healthy Hair Consultant but I am also a content creator for different brands.
As a Healthy Hair Consultant, I specialize in helping clients with hair thinning, dry scalp, length retention issues, dry/brittle hair, frizzy hair, etc. I provide my clients with a personalized hair care regimen and product suggestions specific to their hair type and for reaching their hair goals.
What I am most proud of is seeing women’s confidence transform right before my eyes as we find a solution to their hair problems. What sets me apart from the others is that my passion for doing what I do is giving women their power back.
Confidence is power and when you look good, you feel good and when you feel good, you do good.
Is there a quality that you most attribute to your success?
Perseverance and discipline are necessary for starting and successfully running any business, doesn’t matter the genre. You have to keep going even when you feel that nobody is supporting you and eventually it’ll all come together.
Contact Info:
- Email: katskurls3@gmail.com
- Website: https://www.thehealthyhairklub.com/
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katskurls_/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KatsKurls/
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/kat’skurls
Ruth Veales
April 12, 2022 at 12:58 pm
I love this article! Very inspiring as a woman of age that there is hope for my increasingly challenged hair issues. Keep up the great work Kat! May God bless your business… Peace and blessings! ❤️