Today we’d like to introduce you to Jolene Mendez.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
Covid changed our lives in many ways. It guided me to a new one. During that time, I decided to focus on ME. As a mom to 4, I have always put my well-being, including my mental on the back burner. Now, more than ever I knew I needed to have some self-care. Not only for me but to be the best mom I can be. So I started focusing on staying active daily with core exercises and stretches. From there, I wanted to find exercises safe for an overweight woman. That led me to TikTok and my new life as a content creator (a term I was unfamiliar with).
To a lot of people, it is that app that is for dangerous challenges or dancing. For me, it was the app that led me to find myself again. It started with an affinity for watching fitness & beauty content. Then after finding the dance side of TikTok, I challenged myself. I would try some of these and it would be a great way to keep my body moving. At the time having no idea what would lie ahead.
I had two videos go viral (Christmas Cards & JoJo Siwa) and went from 200 followers to 30,000 in just 6 months!! As I started to post and view more TikToks I found so much inspiration. On this journey, I found my confidence and then realized what I wanted to focus my content on. My TikToks mostly feature body positivity content to inspire & empower people to love their bodies and self. Of course, being a Mama my targeted audience is Moms, trying to remind them to not forget the queen within and make sure she still gets to shine.
Welcome to JoMamaTok content with positive vibes, mom humor, and confidence that can’t be ignored!
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Not smooth. It is hard to practice and preach about self-love when you still have insecurities. That is a daily struggle… but I also think that is what helps make me more real and raw in some of my content.
Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
Content creator.
I focus content on body positivity for my plus-size queens. I have struggled with body image since I was 12. That’s 26 years of obsessing about an appearance. I use my life experiences to set myself apart. I have worn many artistic hats from being a Family Photographer, Movie Critic, Mom, and now Content Creator.
This makes me unique and has plenty of storytelling which is what some people love! I am also known for brand modeling… so I do a lot of transition videos and advertisements. I am most proud of feeling free to be me… I have gained so much confidence and I am proud of that.
In terms of your work and the industry, what are some of the changes you are expecting to see over the next five to ten years?
No… I am just taking it one day at a time and will be happy wherever this ride takes me!
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